Many years ago, (more than 20) I fell madly in love with who I was quite sure was the man of my dreams. We had a magical Valentine's filled with flowers, romance, fancy dinner and all the bells and whistles that women dream about for that romantic day.
And the next day? He dumped me. WOW. Ouch. Reality sucks. Lucky for him, he was smart enough after a few days to realize the colossal mistake he had made. What's he doing now? Pretty sure snoring in the next room. Yes, I forgave him, but for many years I was convinced that he had to "make up for it". I wasted a lot of time on that notion.
Looking back, he tried. I was just too dumb at the time to know it. Back in the early years we had three kids very quickly and didn't have two nickels to rub together. I was still dreaming of my perfect V-day. I wanted the flowers, the dinner, the romance. He didn't have the money. He is a good, hard working man who works crazy hours to take care of us. He couldn't afford the dozen roses, so instead, he went and bought me 3 one pound bags of flour. He got me "flours". I was FURIOUS. How dare he make such a mockery of Valentine's day, especially when I felt that he "owed me".
Looking back years later, I see exactly how sweet and wonderful his gesture was. His heart was in the right place - and I totally jumped down his throat for it. It's one of those moments I'd give anything to take back. He tried so hard with humor to give me a special day and I rejected it because it wasn't my idea of perfect.
Ladies, there is no "perfect". Every day life with someone who loves you and cares about you every day, not just on a Hallmark holiday, is much more valuable, romantic and precious than someone giving you a gift on Valentine's day because the calendar says they should. Take stock of what you have. Be grateful for it. And stop obsessing and start enjoying.
Love you forever, Rico <3
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