I am not a fashionista by any means. My sense of style consists mostly of t-shirts from my children's high school, my favorite pair of silver jeans, and that's about it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to dress up, but I do it about once a year when I go to Vegas and that's it. Being a stay at home mom there isn't much of a reason for high fashion.
My daughter however is always up on the latest trends, fashion, and "gotta have it's". She's not a brat by ANY means- believe me, she is the most wonderful 15 year old I have ever met. Because she is so level headed and nice, I do love to surprise her just enough to make her smile!
Around Christmas time, she started drooling over some boots. I looked EVERYWHERE. No luck. She was a bit bummed, but not a jerk about it. So, I never let my search drop. I looked, high, low, and in between. Thank you, Internet. I love you. LOL!
I eventually found these little beauties on Amazon from a little shop called shoewhatever. I really hope that whoever runs this little shop has some vague idea of how happy my daughter is with these boots. She literally SQUEALED! It was adorable. She posted this picture on Instagram with a boatload of hearts. Made my day!
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