
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Couch to 5K

Every year I say that I am going to get in shape and run a 5k.  WIll this be my year?  Not sure but I am always trying trying trying.  If I stop trying, I am screwed.

So, again, my favorite resource in the world is Google.  I used to call my mom.  "Ma, how long do you cook a ham.  Ma, what do I give the baby for a fever.  Ma, where is the best place to go fishing in Northern Minnesota." Etc etc.  My mom passed away 8 years ago, so now Google is Ma.  LOL!

If you google couch to 5K you will find about 4 1/2 million results full of tips, advice, mobile apps and more!  That's a lot of info!  I decided to narrow it down to my local area, and that narrowed it WAY down.  If you search your area, you can find info on local running events.  Another good resource is your friends.  Chances are you know at least one person that likes to run.  (Pssss....runners are a little crazy)  HA.  But, talk to them, and they will help you.  Runners love to convert non runners.  One of these days I will get brave enough to talk to my crazy runner friends and have them convert me!  Just not today.  

There is also several amazing apps on mobile to help you out as well.  The couch to 5k mobile app is great because it is made for beginning runners.  

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

This HIgh Cost of Eating Healthy

Some friends and I were recently talking about how much eating healthy costs. It's true. A small carton of berries the other day was $5.00! WOW! I could have a whole meal at McDonalds for that much! I will admit, I have seen my food bill go up significantly. Especially since I live in Minnesota and in the winter, fresh produce gets trucked in from South America mostly. It is expensive. And if you want organic food, pretty much double the prices. Cheap, unhealthy food is INEXPENSIVE! You can buy carb filled sugary fatty garage for real cheap! Not only can you get it cheap, but you can get it SUPERSIZED! A family of five can eat at McDonalds for a month on what I spend in groceries in two weeks. It is insane!

BUT, let me put this in perspective for you.....and please, listen carefully.

My mother was overweight (severely obese - like 500 pounds), and she had arthritis (prescriptions), diabetes (prescriptions and blood testing supplies), heart problems (more prescriptions), and a few other prescriptions that I wasn't even sure what they were for...

She had to buy special clothes because she was SO large that they didn't carry her size in stores. Had to order it all and pay extra shipping costs. Special bras. Special shirts. Special pants. Special underwear. She had to buy a special machine to use on her legs to bring the pressure down, and had to buy special socks that were like $300 a pair. 

She was so fat that she had trouble walking. She had to buy a cane. Then when that wasn't enough to help her, she had to buy a walker. Then when that couldn't support her weight, she had to buy a wheelchair. And then, when she couldn't handle that, it actually broke because she was so large, she had to buy one of those "scooters". But, she was too fat for a normal scooter, she had to buy a super heavy duty expensive scooter. She spent $3000 on a lift chair because she was so fat she couldn't stand up on her own. She had to buy a new mattress every couple years because she was SO fat that she ruined them. 

She had to buy a special toilet partly to support her weight, and partly because she couldn't get down low enough to a regular toilet. She had to have her bathtub removed and get a special walk in shower. She had to pay to have special bars put in the shower to hang onto.

She had horrendous medical bills that even insurance and medicare didn't cover.

She lived with extreme humiliation due to her weight. She was ridiculed and teased behind her back. From the time I was little, people made fun of my mom. And not behind my back either. Growing up with the stigma of an obese parent is worse than you can imagine. It's like having a parent that is an alcoholic. (Gee, I must have hit the jackpot, I had one of those too.) She couldn't fly on a plane or go places she wanted because she was just too fat. She couldn't use most public restrooms. People, I could go on and on and on and on about the things she endured. I debated about using the word endured. Perhaps "brought on herself" would be better.

Yes, it is. She could have changed. She could have gotten help. She chose not to do so. And it killed her. She went into congestive heart failure at the VERY young age of 70 years old and died within days. It was all because of her weight. She left behind a family that still needed her, and 4 grand children who barely had a chance to know her....

That healthy $5 carton of berries doesn't sound so bad now, does it?

Tromping to the grocery store every 2-3 days to get fresh fruits and vegetables and spending more than I want just doesn't seem so bad...

Really my point is, the high price of the food is worth it. TOTALLY! The costs of high food are NOTHING compared to what happens to an obese person.....

There are tons of way to learn how to manage healthy eating on a budget!  

Monday, January 28, 2013

How to Use Pinterest

Ever wish you could gather up all of the amazing images you find online without worrying about disorganized bookmarks, buried blog posts or wasted paper and ink? Well, say hello to Pinterest.

Pinterest is an incredibly addicting and easy to use site.  It allows its members to collect and organize the eye candy they discover everyday while browsing the web. It's streamlined, simple and -- above all else -- fun!  Here you'll find information about how to use (and NOT use) Pinterest both personally and professionally. From signing up to sharing your pins, this lens has got you covered.

Already excited to sign up for Pinterest? Check out my Pinterest page here. Not quite convinced yet? Read on!  

  1. You can save all the images you find online in a single, streamlined place.

  2. You can pin any image from any website using the simple "Pin It" button, also known as the pinmarklet.

  3. You can create unlimited boards about anything and everything that interests you.

  4. You can organize your pins onto themed pinboards.

  5. You can discover anything from new recipes and travel destinations to birthday cake ideas and decorating tips.

  6. You can follow other Pinterest members (or just the boards you like).

  7. You can contribute new pins to someone else's board, if their settings allow it.

  8. You can repin another member's pins onto your own board.

  9. You can comment on your favorite pins.

  10. You can mention another Pinterest user when commenting on or describing a new pin.

  11. You can share your pins on Twitter and Facebook.

  12. You can like a pin, which will add it to the "likes" section of your profile.

  13. You can invite others to follow you on Pinterest with cute buttons. Click mine in the introduction to check out my pinboards!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Amateur Photography

I will never forget my first digital camera.  I actually won it in a contest online back in 1999.  It was a wonderful little Kodak that opened up a whole new world for me.  Being able to take as many pictures as I wanted, only printing the ones I wanted and then being able to use them on my computer to boot was heaven!

As a mom of three young children, I immediately fell in love with my camera.  I upgraded a few years later to a better Kodak, then eventually a little Sony, then I went to a Canon.  I am now on my third Canon.  We have a wonderful relationship together.

A few years ago, we saved up almost enough to pave our gravel driveway.  That was right around the same time that the Canon EOS 7D came out.   I gave my husband the puppy dog look, and I had a great argument that I still tell people today....

"20 years from now,  I won't care that my driveway was muddy in the spring, but with this amazing camera, I will be able to show my grandchildren amazing photos of their mother, my daughter, gracefully dancing her way across the stage.  I will be able to show my sons children incredible action shots of their daddies playing football, wrestling and more."

He just shook his head and let me win.  I have a HUGE collection of incredible photos now of dance recitals, football games, proms, wrestling meets, family memories and more.  Never regretted it!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

At Home Parties

Origami Owl Lockets

If you are looking to put a little extra cash in your pocket or just get out of the house once in awhile, the home party biz is a great way to make a little extra moola and have some fun.  There are so many more choices beyond Avon and Tupperware!  There is everything from Origami Owl, which is a party where you build your own beautiful lockets, to Scentsy Wickless candles, flame free scents for your home and even, *gasp* Sex Toy Parties!

Whether you want a part time job, or want to host a party, most are the same and have great benefits.  What do you get for hosting a party? Most hostesses receive 10%  or more of the party sales in free products as well as hostess gifts and hostess only deals! 

Home parties are a great way to have a fun night with friends and shop for unique products and get great gifts for birthdays and more.  Check the Home Party Plan Network for hundreds of opportunities in your state!

Was Miley's Rock Chosen Out Of Custom Engagement Rings Orange County?

Alright, so who thinks Miley Cyrus is way to young to be engaged? Who thinks Miley Cyrus is going to jump off the deep end like Lindsay Lohan? ME. Yes, sorry to say but I'm not sure how sweet little Miley Cyrus is mature enough to be engaged and on the road to marriage. How long do you think that marriage is going to last? Longer than 72 days, I'm not sure about that one.

Although I'm not a fan of Miley's recent haircut I am a fan of her engagement ring. Whether she's ready for marriage or not that rock of hers is dynamite! I heard it was chosen out of custom engagement rings orange county. What do you think? A marriage is definitely not all about the engagement ring, but that's what it seems many celebs think. Look at Kim K and her $2 million dollar rock. I would rather be happy with a tiny diamond than be involved in a marriage that lasted 72 days and have a blinging ring. I want to believe Miley will do well in marriage and it will last forever but I just don't forsee that happening. 

Miley Cyrus

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Keepsake Crafts for Kids

When my kids were little, I did all sorts of fun crafts with them.  I used to do daycare, so we did some sort of craft project every single day.  Far and away, things with handprints and footprints were my favorite.  I still have many of them stored away to sit and goon over when I get old.  Well, older anyway.  LOL!

But this showed up on a friend's Pinterest today, and I just had to share.  How cute are these footprint snowmen??  This website has all kinds of fun winter craft ideas.  I think this would be fairly easy to make.  White footprints, they could do fingerprints for snowflakes and decorate the rest as pictures.  What a wonderful keepsake to send home with mom and dad!

If you are looking for something a little sturdier or long lasting, something like this hand print plaque would be better.  This is the actual plaque that my son made for me back in 1997.  He's almost 20 now, but I will treasure this gift forever :)  There are directions on how to make one here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Beyond Banana Bread

I have been baking a lot lately.  Just look at my hips.  Sheesh.  It's like I've been trying to put a winter coat on so that I can hibernate or something.  Oh well, such is life.  My yearly cycle of gain in the winter, lose in the spring has never changed and I've just stopped trying to fight it.  Besides, life is short and food is good.  I am not a very good dieter.  LOL!

If you are healthy, or not, this treat is sure to please.  This is the most amazing fruit bread recipe EVER.  I say fruit bread instead of banana bread because there are tons of options for this recipe.

Instead of using bananas (even though that is delicious) try using canned pumpkin, or a jar of poppyseed and the zest of 4 lemons, or ANY baby food, or use raisins and applesauce - way good!  Be creative.  It's the richest, densest banana bread I've ever had in my life.  Enjoy!

1 cup milk
mix with 1 tablespoon vinegar.
Set aside

In large bowl mix
2 1/2 cups of flour
2 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup mashed fruit
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs

Mix well

Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda to the milk mixture, then dump in large bowl with other ingredients and mix well.

Pour into two loaf pans and bake for 60 minutes at 350.  ENJOY!  Visit my recipe section of ChildFun for more of my favorite recipes!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Swan Creek Candles

I don't usually blog about a particular company or website unless it's really amazing.  I recently ended up on Swan Creek Candles and got lost for about an hour.  I do that often.  I am so easily distrac.... Squirrel!  Anyway....

I have never seen so many different kind of candles in my life!  They have absolutely every kind of candle I've ever heard of and then a whole bunch I had never heard of.  Things to fit every room, every decor, every style you can imagine.  I didn't even know there was such a thing as beanpod candles!  LOL!  

At The Lamp Stand, you will find a huge selection of all your favorite candle and home fragrance brands at deep discount prices. With our everyday FREE Shipping Offers, you'll have the convenience of having brand name candles delivered right to your home for less than you would pay at a retail store. In addition to candles, we also offer many other home fragrance options including Reed Diffusers, Wax Melters, Oil Warmers, Electric Fragrance Products and More!  

Monday, January 14, 2013

Spa Day

Every once in awhile I like to close my eyes, and pretend that my normal ho hum day is very exciting and filled with celebrity glamour and money.  Then the dog farts, the cat pukes something on the rug, my mother in law calls and my moment is over.  Sometimes all three happen at once.  HAHA!

But, I do get lost on Pinterest and Google in much the same way.  I dream of frilly dresses, spa days and lavish vacations.  I saw this one site, Huntington Beach Facials, and darn near drooled at their selection of spa services.  They have a pumpkin exfoliation treatment that sounds like heaven.  

I think I will set up my own in home spa day and spend the day googling home made treatments, burning nummy spa candles with light music on and put some funky goop in my hair and face and ring a bell until someone brings me a glass of lemonade!  LOL!  But really, if I am ever in that area, I am so going there for a treatment!  Place looks heavenly!

Spring Cleaning!

Ah, it's that time of year when I go stir crazy and do dumb ass things like cleaning the basement.  BARF.  Every year I think I am going to have a garage sale.  I save crap we no longer want all year long, then throw it in the basement, and then end up not having a garage sale.  *sigh*

I tried having a garage sale once, and by the time I rented tables, paid for ads, made signs, and all the time it took to get it ready, I think I actually lost money.  Sucked!  So, on to plan b!

I am determined this year to get rid of it all.  I've been little by little whittling some things down on some swap groups on Facebook, and a few things I've listed on ebay, but then I came across a veritable fortune in sports trading cards that my husband would kill me if he knew I was thinking of selling off.  LOL!  Hope he doesn't read my blog!  There are so many websites out there that sell and trade this stuff I was amazed how much they are worth.   Ah, if only he had a boatload of rare Pokemon cards too, I could retire!  LOL!

I think I'll put the box back in the basement and let it mature in value before I sell them off :)

Plus Size Clothes

Alright, out with it.  I don't like to admit that I am "plus sized".  I am a regular woman with curves and a few lumps.  LOL!  I like to dress up and look pretty just like everyone else!  My husband and I regularly go on trips for my business, and it's really the only time I get to deck out and get jazzed up.  We are pretty much jeans people in real life.  But, oh, the girly girl in me loves to dress up so much.  Which is where the major dilemmas usually come in.

First off, most plus sized clothing stores for some reason assume that you are a.) super short, like under 4'5" tall and b.) you are at least 65 years old.  UGH!  I am chubby, not old.  LOL!  I still want to look young, pretty and stylish.  Finding plus sized dress up clothes can be a nightmare.  Like trying on clothes isn't traumatic enough for me and my chubby thighs!

Then, a friend of mine sent me to Pacifix Plex!  That's where I found this gorgeous plus size dress!  They have a really great assortment of stylish dresses for every occasion.  Now I just need to convince the hubby that we need to go somewhere that I can where it!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Clothes I Want

One of the latest crazes is to post pics of fashion you want on Pinterest or other blogs.  You know, collages of a really cute outfit.  It drives me crazy.  Why you ask?  A.  All of the uber cute pics I see like the one to the right are perfect if you wear a size zero, which I definitely do not, and B.  they never say where to buy them!  It drives me bonkers.

But then I found Le Fashion!  It's a great blog about fashion, with all the nifty collages you could want, AND it tells you where to buy everything.  GENIUS.  Absolute genius.  It's almost enough to keep me on my diet and make it so that I can actually wear some of them :)

Check out their Pinterest board for oodles more.  A little something for everyone and even things I might wear one of these days.  Happy shopping!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Home Made Pizza

We have been having a lot of fun at our house lately with the age old fun of making our own pizza.  We've struggled for years with just one thing.  The crust.  It's hard to find a really good one.  We FINALLY found the perfect combination.  This pizza dough recipe combined with a Pampered Chef baking stone is THE best way to make pizza at home that tastes like delivery.  Once dough is prepared as below, simply roll out on stone to desired thickness and cover with sauce and your choice of toppings.  It also works well to fold it over and make a pizza sandwich or calzone!


  • 3 1/2 to 4 cups bread flour, plus more for rolling (Chef's Note: Using bread flour will give you a much crisper crust. If you can't find bread flour, you can substitute it with all-purpose flour which will give you a chewier crust.)
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 envelope instant dry yeast
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 1/2 cups water, 110 degrees F
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus 2 teaspoons


Combine the bread flour, sugar, yeast and kosher salt in the bowl of a stand mixer and combine. While the mixer is running, add the water and 2 tablespoons of the oil and beat until the dough forms into a ball. If the dough is sticky, add additional flour, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the dough comes together in a solid ball. If the dough is too dry, add additional water, 1 tablespoon at a time. Scrape the dough onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead into a smooth, firm ball.
Grease a large bowl with the remaining 2 teaspoons olive oil, add the dough, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and put it in a warm area to let it double in size, about 1 hour. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and divide it into 2 equal pieces. Cover each with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let them rest for 10 minutes.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder, aptly monikered "S.A.D" is a very common complaint among people this time of year.  Most commonly occurring in the winter, it is generally thought that it is due to the lack of sunshine in winter.  

Symptoms usually build up slowly in the late autumn and winter months. Symptoms are usually the same as with other forms of depression:
  • Hopelessness
  • Increased appetite with weight gain (weight loss is more common with other forms of depression)
  • Increased sleep (too little sleep is more common with other forms of depression)
  • Less energy and ability to concentrate
  • Loss of interest in work or other activities
  • Sluggish movements
  • Social withdrawal
  • Unhappiness and irritability
SAD can sometimes become long-term depression. Bipolar disorder or thoughts of suicide are also possible.
To manage your symptoms at home:
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Take medicines the right way. Learn how to manage side effects.
  • Learn to watch for early signs that your depression is getting worse. Have a plan if it does get worse.
  • Try to exercise more often. Look for activities that make you happy.
  • Practice good sleep habits.
Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs. These can make depression worse over time. They may also affect your judgment about suicide.
When you are struggling with depression, talk about how you're feeling to someone you trust. Try to be around people who are caring and positive. Volunteer or get involved in group activities.
Light therapy using a special lamp with a very bright light (10,000 lux) that mimics light from the sun may also be helpful.
  • Start treatment during the fall or early winter, before the symptoms of SAD begin.
  • Follow your health care provider's instructions about how to use light therapy. A common practice is to sit a couple of feet away from the light box for about 30 minutes every day. This is usually done in the early morning, to mimic sunrise.
  • Keep your eyes open, but do not look straight into the light source.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Home Cold Remedies

Ah, tis the season for sniffling, sneezing, aching, stuffy head and fevers!  Cold and flu season is in full swing and I have been miserable for the last six days.  I have tried just about every home remedy you can think of with little success save one.

Ginger root tea!  I had completely forgotten about this old recipe as I have been lucky enough to escape getting sick the last couple of years, but last week when I came down with this yuck and started looking for help for my sore throat online, I remembered this tea.  It's VERY easy to make.  Simply buy a hunk of ginger root at the grocery store.  Very inexpensive.  Slice it very thinly and boil in about 4 quarts of water.  When it's reduced by about 1/3, take a cup and dose liberally with honey.  Heaven on a sore throat.

Ginger root tea has also been associated with help in digestion, relieving motion sickness, and also has anti inflammatory properties as well.  It has a lemony peppery taste and is very soothing when you are sick.  Some people swear by this shortening the length of their illness.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I was lucky enough to be blessed with children, but if I hadn't I would have adopted.  And guess what, I wasn't blessed with dogs, so I adopted those!  LOL!  When I was a baby, my dad thought the greatest gift for my mom would be a puppy.  And other than a couple years in an apartment, I have never been without one.  Never will if I can help it either.  

There are tons of studies showing that people with pets live longer lives, are happier, have lower blood pressure and more.  Do what I do for everything - Google it.  That's like my catch phrase.  "Hang on, I'll Google it."  What did we do before Google?

Anyway, if you are looking for a pet, try visiting  You can search for your new BFF from the comfort of your home.  You can search by location, pet, breed, age and gender.  For instance, I just popped in my info, what I was looking for, and found this guy.  I sure hope my husband won't be reading this over my shoulder and finds out I want another dog.  LOL!

Seriously though, Petfinder is the best place to find your new best friend!  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Twilight Fans

I have been a fan of vampire fiction since I was 13 years old and first read Stephen King's "Salem's Lot".  Over the years, I have read just about every vampire series ever written.  When Twilight came out, it was no different.  Let's face it, love it or hate it, the only thing that you can't deny is that it is a phenomenon.  That's all good and fine, but it really did my heart good on a much more personal level.

My fifteen year old daughter discovered and fell in love with the books.  I've always been a reader.  She likes to read, but the last few years, not so much.  So, when she fell head over heels for these books I was thrilled.  She's made it through the books and watched the movies together and it's been a great bonding experience for us together.  

Sitting in the theater watching the last movie in the series, Breaking Dawn Part 2 was such a delight for me since she hasn't finished the book yet.  Is this a post about being in love with Twilight?  No, not really.  It's about finding something in common with your kids and going with it and enjoying it!  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Are You a Pinner?

If you haven't heard of Pinterest yet, it's a really great way to waste hours and hours of your time.  I've gotten to the point where I don't pin much, but I depend on it.  If you aren't sure what the heck I am talking about, it's this really neat tool where you can pin pictures and websites to a virtual bulletin board.  Think of it as a great big huge board on your wall where you can "pin" things!

Why do I depend on it?  RECIPES!  Yes, there are a billion recipe sites out there and there are oodles of tv shows all about food and if you were born before 1970, I am guessing you have a giant stack of church cookbooks to pick from at your fingertips.

But this is different.  This is real time people like yourself making amazing food and pinning it on there.  With recipes, pictures, directions and more.  It's a great place to find party appetizers, fun recipes, or anything.  They have a neat browser tool add in you can stick so that anytime you see a picture you like you can pin it to your virtual board.  Try it out today at